Monday, August 30, 2010


Today's the day, Ladies &...well...actually, I'm just followed by ladies right now, so Ladies!!!!  After 2 long, arduous weeks of the rerun fairy, tonight marks the return of tv's self-proclaimed "King of Late Night" and, if I'm not mistaken, the start of Season 7 of the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson!!  *cue fireworks and confetti*

If you're as psyched as I am, then we can still be friends....In honor of this momentous day, here's a mish-mash off some of my favorite Craig moments.  Enjoy! :o)

That Jenn from Braintree" just happens to be me ;o)

ok that's enough for now :)  (Thanks to Malinky2Stoatir for the videos...all but 1 are from her YT channel)

Saturday, August 28, 2010


My thoughts on this whole Tiger Woods "scandal" can be summed up in four words.......

Who.... the fuck..... CARES?!??!?!?!

Friday, August 27, 2010

RIP Blockbuster

(not the actual storefront of my BB.../\ CBS cares)

It's official.....the Blockbuster up the street from my parents' house is closing.  I feel like I'm losing a childhood friend that entertained me during those lonely, high school nights....  I saw this coming, but I'm astounded it took THIS long for it to happen.... *sigh*

Even though I've been a strict Netflix user since college circa 2004 (It's really hard to find a good DVD rental place when you're living across the street from Boston Common), I feel the closure of this store is the end of an era.  I remember the store being built, for god's sake (jeez I'm old).  But can you compete with DVDs delivered to your friggin door AND free streaming video online for as little as $8.99 a month?? (<--shameless plug)  Whereas, Blockbuster lets you rent one movie for like 3 days for $5.00..........even Blockbuster's version of Netflix is more expensive than Netflix!!  (per my aunt, what costs $14.99/month at Netflix costs $20.99/month at BB Online, plus tax)

So, if you're like me and are a self-titled movie buff/collector of DVDs....

(only part of the collection...)

...and you're also experiencing a Blockbuster closing near you, I highly recommend checking out Netflix.  You won't regret it.  It's tailored towards the every-day American (lazy and sits on their ass in front of a TV all day lol).  I <3 Netflix

To Blockbuster, I salute you.  You had a good run and I can't wait to stop by your DVD clearance sale later tonight and add to my collection...although, i may need to invest in another bookcase.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dear Craig Kilborn: Give Up.

Kilby, Kilby, Kilby......why do you even try anymore?  With two failed talk shows under your belt, did you really think your sabbatical from television was self-inflicted?  Did you ever think that maybe the majority of Americans don't like you and find you completely arrogant and unlikeable?  Maybe the failure of your THIRD talk show will convince you to go away.  Not that I *need* to reference IMDB ratings to demonstrate how awful you are, but i'm gonna do it anyway....


....a measly 3.5/10 stars.  Wow.....not even Pirahna 3D did that bad actually, i'm suprised how well this movie did lol

Although, I must toast you, Kilborn.  Though I can only think of two good things to ever result from your failures, they are indeed two VERY good things......

Au revoir, you talentless douche.  Don't let the door to Fox Studios hit you in the ass on the way out....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. Crappy Movies that came out at the same time

I loved Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It was original, it was hilarious and it was awesome.  Granted, i have *not* as of yet read the graphic novels (but i plan to as soon as Amazon delivers the bastards), so many might not think it was as awesome as *I* thought it was.  All I know is I laughed harder than i have at the movies in a loooooong time.  And yet, no one in America is seeing this movie. It depresses me.

This movie got beat at the box office by The Expendables, a mindless, testosterone-driven action flick, which Craig Ferguson accurately stated should just be entitled Balls, and....


Eat Pray Love, starring the actress with the most dramatic range ever (that was dripping sarcasm, btw), Julia Roberts!  I will always be the first to say this:  I believe Julia Roberts is one of, if not THE, most over-rated actress ever.  The only good movie I've ever seen her in was Steel Magnolias (try not crying during that movie..I dare you).  She plays the same damn character in every friggin movie she's in...why and how does that make her "good"?  Someone please explain to me...
One of the reasons it pisses me off so much that THESE movies beat it is this:  I know several people who would LOVE Scott Pilgrim, but they're turned off from it because of Michael Cera, aka George Michael Bluth from Arrested Development (which is pretty much the same character he has played in every movie so far), so they refuse to see this movie.  The reason they're turned off is, as I just mentioned, he plays the same character in every movie.  Please see above......when do Sylvester Stallone or Julia Roberts NOT play the same character in every movie they're ever in??'s called type-casting and Michael Cera is not, by far, the only actor to ever fall prey to it.  And it's especially disappointing because Michael Cera was actually pretty awesome in this friggin movie!!! gaaah...... #FrustratedJenn
So please, get over your Anti-Michael-Cera stubbornness for 2 hours and go see this movie!!!  You'll regret it if you don't!  This movie is not for everyone, obviously...if you don't like video games or awesomeness, you'll probably hate it.  But if you don't like video games and awesomeness, you probably won't bother reading my blog, so that works out well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rant: Nickelback and Daughtry

These two groups are interchangeable as far as I'm concerned.  Why?  Because they both sound exactly alike and all their songs are identical.  Seriously..I cannot differentiate between any of them!  Yet, they have fans who tell them they're awesome and encourage their behavior.  Shame!

Ex. A - Generic "rock group" Nickelback.  Notice how serious they are about music and the one hand in the front pocket look makes them seem "edgy", when, in reality, their songs are crap and were probably written by a chimp.

Ex. B - Other, generic rock group, Daughtry.  I guess they were instructed to cross their arms in front of their chest in order to get the similar "edgy" look as above.  Instead, to me, they look like douchebags

Good lord, give me David Bowie any day of the week over these guys!

Even in glam make-up and platform boots, this man could kick their asses, both musically and literally....and he'd look fabulous doing it!  Even after 40 years, he's still popular and awesome.  Name one pop/rock band that's hit the music scene in the past two decades that will have that kind of staying power.  The only one that comes to my mind that came around in the early 90's and is STILL touring is Dave Matthews Band.  If someone can think of anyone else, please inform my uneducated mind.

So in conclusion, today's music kinda sucks but thank god David Bowie is still around to set things right.

oh yah...he's still got it.....

Monday, August 23, 2010

WARNING: Final Fantasy VII nerd post about to commence.....

..aaand commencing.

One of the pivotal components of my high school experience was my love for the video game Final Fantasy VII. First of all, it is, in my opinion, the best of the FF series (if you say FF8 is better, i might have to slap a bitch..) and second of all, i believe it to be the best RPG ever made.  This is *MY* opinion and i stand by it.  Not only was I (still am) obsessed with this game, but my entire group of friends was (still are) obsessed with this game.  So much so, that myself, my sister and one of our friends from hs decided to play it through again for the first time in probably 10 or so years.  Our Mission:  get Cloud to go on a date with Barrett.

Let me explain for the lay-man:  there's a point in the game, about 2/3 of the way through the first disc (there are 3 discs of gameplay) where the main character, Cloud....

..goes on a "date" with one of the other characters (i.e. Aeris, Tifa are the most popular).  Depending on how you've treated the characters up until that point in the game will determine who knocks on your door on the date night.  Well, several years ago it was discovered by me that, if certain actions were taken, Cloud could end up on a date with Barrett....picture Mr. T with a gun grafted into his arm.

Needless to say, we were determined to accomplished this task.  And lo and behold we did...

Slightly disappointed they turned it into more of a "lets hang out" than a "date", but was made in 1997.

***While on the subject of FFVII, i feel the need to insert a plug.  Playing the game again reminded me of this fanfic one of my friends in hs found online waaaaaaay back in 1999-2000 ish.  It was the most amazing Final Fantasy fanfic I'd ever read, but at the time i initially read it, it was not completed.  I googled it recently and discovered it is now complete!!!  I've been re-reading it and i stand by my initial opinion:  it's an amazing story and i recommend it to any FFVII fan!!  Full review to follow once I've finished it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Let's see how long I stick with this.  If my life continues to be uninteresting, chances are...not very long.